Please First Watch the Below Video Tutorial Fully...
ct:Bg1. ct:Bg2. ct:Bg3. ct:Bg4. ct:Bg5. etc. (these will display BG lecture of that particular chapter; don't forget to put "." and then press enter)
ct:SB1. ct:SB2. ct:SB3. ct:SB4. ct:SB5. etc. (these will display SB lecture of that particular canto; don't forget to put "." and then press enter)
ct:sem (will display all seminars
ct:AL (will display all Assorted lectures
ct:vad (will display all lectures on Varnasrama dharma
ct:Youth (will display all Youth Lectures
ct:Fest (will display all festival lectures
ct:noi (will display all Upadesamrita lectures
Yr:2011 will display all lectures recorded in the year 2011
Yr:2011-06 will display all lectures recorded in the June month of the year 2011
Yr:2011-06-12 will display lectures recorded on 12th of June 2011
You can also just type Jan, Feb, etc. months with any year or date combination
Just type <30 -- will display all lectures with duration less than 30 min
NOTE: you cannot type <35 etc. because only minutes multiples of ten are accepted for comparison
Also that maximum value you can type is <90 ... you cannot type <100
For lectures of duration more than 90 min just type >90
Typing bhaktivinoda in english, will display lectures on Bhaktivinoda both in English as well in Hindi language
For cities countries and other things just type few characters of the name and is should appear. For instance, type ahmed and all lectures of Ahmedabad will display. Type czec and all lectures in czech republic will be displayed
You can combine words in the search box to quickly find out the lecture of your choice...
Type examples:
bhaktivi <40 bhop --- get all lectures on bhaktivinoda given in Bhopal and duration less than 40 min
ct:Sb1. <60 --- get all lectures on Bhagavatam 1st canto and duration less than 40 min
In this way you can build the search combining at the max 10 words